Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Timberglen Writers' Workshop

Once upon a long, long time ago (April, 2009), the Grand Poobah of Timberglenland decreed that there would be a writers' workshop, and that it would be open to all, and that it would be free. And the people arose and in unison said, "Hallelujah!" So it came to pass that on the 4th Thursday of each month, during the six-thirty o'clock hour, there would be a get together in the classroom of Timberglen. Those interested would share their writings and critique others'. And eat glazed donut holes.

In the beginning the dictum was that writers would read their works aloud before the group. Suddenly a case of mass larygitis swept through Timberglenland and our fearless leader edicted¹ that, "Henceforth all writings shall be read silently by the participants prior to our meetings." So it came to pass, leaving more time for eating glazed donut holes.

This blog is intended for fun, to provide a place for our participants to express their thoughts and ideas, and showcase the works of others. Hopefully someone interested in joining us will stumble across it.


¹not a real word


Anonymous said...

Hey, how did you make that musical note symbol?

Timberglen Writers said...

Alt + 1 = ☺
Alt + 2 = ☻
Alt + 3 = ♥
Alt + 4 = ♦
Alt + 5 = ♣
Alt + 6 = ♠
Alt + 7 = •
Alt + 8 = ◘
Alt + 9 = ○
Alt + 14 = ♫
Alt + 15 = ☼
Alt + 0169 = ©

Anonymous said...

I agree that in a writers group such as yours, works should not have to be read aloud. It's about writing, not oratory skills.