Tuesday, February 22, 2011

2011 Timberglen Short Story Contest Rules

2011 Timberglen Fiction Contest Rules

1. Entries to consist of fiction in prose form, no more than 3,000 words, in 12 point Times New Roman type, double spaced. The title must appear at the top of each page, and pages should be numbered. The writer’s name is not to appear anywhere but on the entry form. Plagiarism is not allowed.

2. Entries may be sent electronically to timberglenwriters@gmail.com, or delivered in person or sent by mail to: Timberglen Writers’ Workshop, 18505 Midway Rd., Dallas, TX 75287. One entry per person. Entry deadline is May 7, 2011.

3. Entries must be in English. Writers retain all rights to their work. The winner’s name and work’s title will appear on our blog and on the Timberglen bulletin board.

4. Members past and present of the Timberglen Writers’ Workshop are ineligible. Membership is defined as those who have ever submitted any work to the Timberglen Writers’ Workshop. Employees of the Dallas Public Library are also ineligible.

5. Winners will be chosen by current members of the Timberglen Writers’ Workshop. All entries will be judged on originality, creativity, and theme. The decision is final.

To join our group, simply email your request, including your name and email address, to timberglenwriters@gmail.com. This will enable you to receive submissions from others, which we critique when we meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month in the classroom (lobby entrance) from 6:00-7:00 pm.

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